Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They are ordinary people God uses for his extraordinary purposes. They play a unique role in others' faith journeys and find that their faith grows along the way. Curious about leadership? Take a step into a bigger story by seeing if group leadership is right for you. It’s easier than ever to lead because we’re providing everything you need, including assigned weekly studies, ideas for socials, and more. We provide the plan. You provide the leadership.
lead a
ready to become a leader?
leader overview
Win For Group Leaders
To create a small group environment where people can pursue authentic community and spiritual growth.
Qualifications For Group Leaders
Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more).
Recognize the Bible as the authority for their lives.
Have Community Group experience (preferably).
Have the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to lead a group.
Expectations Of Group Leaders
Lead the group by facilitating the group meeting, monitoring its health and duration, and promoting participation among group members.
Commit to engaging in leadership development opportunities provided by the church.
Recognize the influence associated with group leadership.
For Married Home Groups, both husband and wife actively participate in all group leadership activities.